It's been a bit of a update hiatus for a few weeks - went to the US for a mate's wedding in Houston TX, and also went to New York, Washington DC and San Francisco. Plenty of single speed and fixed gear action in both NYC and SF.
So I bought another set of cranks... believe they're Campagnolo Croce D'Aune, which is one down from Record around 1990. I might put these on my commuter Salsa Casseroll single speed. They're 172.5 so might be a bit long for the the Peugeot.

Just before I left for the US I picked up the mixte from the sand blasters - they did a great job, as they say, the proof is in the pudding!
Upon coming home, I was greeted by a number of small packages for the mixte, including the axle below, a pink and white Fizik ladie's saddle, and a NOS 90's Campy Record headset. The headset will go onto my Colnago fixie, and the Dura Ace that is currently on it will be switched onto Andrew's Colnago... The headset from his Colnago will then go onto the mixte! It's musical headset time!!
More pictures shortly of the new parts.
Planning on dropping into MCR to get the seatpost machined down to fit the frame, and get the primer down on the frame, this weekend. Looking forward to some quality sanding time!
I wondered what was going on in the world of rewind cycle.